Monday, February 5, 2007

Indie Is The Future

This excellent article by the talented Eliot Van Buskirk neatly summarizes the state of the whole major label versus indie label dynamic as it exists today.

I think there are some really great changes taking place that will reshape America's musical landscape for the better: More creativity and diversity with less marketing and posturing. That's just my take on the situation, but it's always nice to find out someone agrees with you, right?

As with every situation, there's another side of the coin. With the muscle these independent record labels are suddenly finding through organizations like Merlin, A2IM, and the Association of Independent Music (AIM), who's to stop them from consolidating and moving right into the void left by the collapse of the major record labels? That little bit of postulation is complete conjecture, but it's not unreasonable either. Hopefully musicians, music lovers, and consumers in general have learned a little about letting giant corporations control their art and culture. With some luck and faith we just might come out of this mess with a bit of balance between music, creativity, and commerce.

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